The Depolarization Project

The Depolarization Project is a group of four psychoanalysts and four people who are not in the mental health field yet are interested in the spread of toxic polarization within our society. Our group is quite diverse in terms of age, religion, and political leanings. We meet monthly to discuss readings, some of which focus on the process of toxic polarization itself, and others that have been polarizing within the field of psychoanalysis. Here group members talk about the impact of the Depolarization Project on themselves and why they continue to be involved.

Political © Joanna Goodman

Artist Statement: POLITICAL by Joanna Goodman

“Political” is part of a series of experimental paintings which are mediations on the concepts of transience and impermanence. Specifically, I am interested in the “mono_ no_ aware” state. The bittersweet appreciation of a moment or as some say the ahh-ness of the experience.