“2300 CHILDREN AWAIT…” THE NEW YORK TIMES 6/21/18 by Eugene Mahon

The damage is done
The mind doctor said
You cannot replace
The broken grip
Of child mother
Like pieces of jigsaw
In a puzzle
You cannot restore
Broken trust
With executive order
Shame won’t fix it either
Or wringing of hands
Or lobbying
Or overwrought speeches
Or politics unusual
Say you’re sorry
A starting point
Say your heart’s broken
Like theirs
2300 of them
And weep
Bibliography and External Links
Eugene Mahon, MD, is training and supervising psychoanalyst at Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Training and Research. He has published three books—A Psychoanalytic Odyssey, Rensal the Redbit, and Boneshop of the Heart—and numerous articles on psychoanalysis. He practices in New York City.
- Cover Photo by Dmitry Ratushny.
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